Tuesday, 2 April 2013

IBPS Specialist Officer (SO) Results 2013| www.ibps.in| IT officer Result|IBPS RESULT 2013

IBPS Specialist Officer (SO) Results 2013| www.ibps.in|  IT officer Result|IBPS RESULT 2013

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS),an independent entity at the behest of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Public Sector Banks. IBPS announced a common written examination (CWE) for the selection of  Specialist Officers in 20 Public Sector Banks .

IBPS has conducted the Specialist officer Exam 2013 on 16th and 17th march, 2013. More than 7 lakh candidates has been appeared for IBPS Specialist Officer Exam 2013.

Recruitment of Specialist Officer in various cadre :
1. I.T. Officer (Scale-I)
2. Agricultural Field Officers (Scale I)
3. Rajbhasha  Adhikari (Scale I)
4. Law Officers (Scale I)
5. Technical Officers (Scale I)
6. HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I)
7. Marketing Officers (Scale I)
8. I.T. Officers (Scale-II)
9. Law Officers (Scale II)
10. Chartered Accountants (Scale II)
11. Finance Executive (Scale II)

Candidates who had appeared in IBPS Specialist officer Exam , now they may be waiting for Announcement of IBPS SO Results 2013.

IBPS Specialist Officer Results 2013 will be Available on its official website very soon i.e may be in the mid of month of April (15th April, 2013).

After Declaration of IBPS SO Results, Candidates would be required to download the IBPS CWE  SO Score card from the official website within 15 days which will be valid for a year from the date of issue and will be required for getting selection in any of the 20 Public Sector Banks.

Official website : www.ibps.in

 click here for Results  : http://www.ibps.in/html/CWE_SPL_II.htm